Kindness Matters - Commitment & Friendship

Dear Lions, dear friends

It is a great pleasure and honour for me to chair the Council of Governors in the Lions year 2024/2025. We will take our role as a service provider for multiple district 102 for our 275 Lions and 19 Leo clubs very seriously as a council of governors and as an extended management body. We see ourselves as integrators between Lions International and our districts and members. We will not only support our clubs in service activities and their promotions, in the training of new leaders and in membership recruitment, but we will also focus on marketing our LIONS brand.

The 2024/2025 Council of Governors has chosen "Commitment & Friendship" as a common motto. It is not only important to show our commitment as Lions, but also to cultivate friendships within the club and beyond its borders.

Let us show our respect for other people and our commitment to those in need and the environment, whether locally, regionally, nationally or internationally.

Thank you very much for your participation as Lions, your willingness to help and your trust in the management team.

Lion Dominik
Council Chairperson 2024/2025
Member of the LC Zurich-Witikon

Lions Clubs in der Schweiz und Liechtenstein
Leo Clubs in der Schweiz
Mitglieder in der Schweiz
Lions und Leo Distrikte
Distrikt Ost

Distrikt Ost

Distrikt Centro

Distrikt Centro

Distrikt West

Distrikt West

Multidistrikt Leo

Multidistrikt Leo

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