A project from Lions donations
But many have stayed, unable or unwilling to leave their homes, living near their destroyed houses.
The Lytvyn family was able to leave their house at the last moment before it was completely destroyed in the first days of the war and they lost everything. They lived in a rented apartment until recently. The home of the Shpak family of six was also completely destroyed; that of the Kachur family fell victim to the flames.
The VFUA project builds housing containers for families whose homes have been destroyed. The project was presented at the Governors meeting in Egerkingen in August 2022 and met with unanimous approval. The first order for 3 living containers for families worth a total of CHF 30,000 was placed in October. The containers have been manufactured from wooden elements in a construction hall, assembled and delivered to the recipient families.
In mid-January 2023, these three families were able to move into their living container and regain a small piece of normality. A big thank you to Lions Switzerland - Liechtenstein!